Sunday, April 17, 2011

Descargas / Downloads


Download section, if you download someting please leve a coment i wish to know how my material is going to be used. by the way I use a new advertising system so don't freak out when you download something and see the publicity screen just wait 5 seconds and skip the ad on the right corner, then your download will start, and dont forget the password is different for each file.

Whats new:

Spartan Armor Materials Pack
5- Spartan Armor Materials Pack

    date: 05-10-2013
    for: Genesis
    download Spartan Armor Materials Pack new:  Spartan Armor Materials Pack (Daz 100%)
    pass: none

PlugSuit 08
4- Makinami PlugSuit 08

    date: 05-10-2013
    for: Genesis and A4V4G4 BodySuit and Expansion
    download Makinami PlugSuit 08 v1.0 new:  Makinami PlugSuit 08 (Daz 100%)
    pass: ps8errg2013

PlugSuit 03
3- Asuka PlugSuit 03

    date: 04-10-2013
    for: Genesis and A4V4G4 BodySuit and Expansion
    download Asuka PlugSuit 03 v1.0 new:  Asuka PlugSuit 03 (Daz 100%)
    pass: ps3errg2013

Miranda Lawson
2- Miranda Lawson

    date: 04-10-2013
    for: Genesis
    download Miranda Lawson v1.0 new:  Miranda Lawson v1.0 (Daz 100%)
    pass: mirerrg2013

Spartan Armor
1- Spartan Armor

    date: 26-09-2013
    for: Genesis
    download Spartan Armor v1.0 new:  Spartan Armor v1.0 (Daz 100%)


  1. Thank you for the hard work on this! I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to be using this on yet, but once I know I'll try to circle back and keep you informed!

  2. I made an update now v1.1 materials pz2 for Daz studio are avalible

  3. I plan to use the suit in some sci-fi renders.

  4. Wow - Thanks for this lovely set . . . !

  5. Beautiful work - many thanks!
    SciFi renders for sure, also some cartoons set in a cosplay-themed restaurant.


  6. Thanx, i can wait for see them in your renders.

  7. nice job!! those very good texture... keep it up!!

  8. This is too awesome! I've been wanting a set of plugsuits for my figures since I first some originally plugged for Aiko3. The site that had them closed down long before I could actually download them, but now here a few I can use for some cosplay renders! I just hope that I can these to work well with Stephanie 4…

  9. thanx, keep coming im gona have news this weekend.

  10. You've done a great job on these :) I look forward to finding scenes for them :)

  11. these are sweet cant what to use them in a sfi type render
    thanks goofygrape

  12. gracias por subir tan buen material, estoy esperimentado con unity y estos modelos me seran muy utiles

  13. Which hairs did you use?

  14. CHAN! primero tech3d custom girl 3d y luego unreal engune 3 y ahora daz 3d o poser xD ajjajajja muy lindo kedo waiiii te pues te faltaria las armas y los evas

  15. todo esta grandiosos

  16. Gracias, probablemente are otro este mes

  17. Muy bueno gracias por el material... ahora tengo pilotos para mis evas wiiiiiiiiiiiiiii aprecio te dejo mis EVANGELIONS

  18. Son muy buenos tus modelos, te importaria si los uso para hacer una armadura evangelion tipo o o este otro

  19. OKy usalos sin problema pornto are mas modelos y ya estoy pensando en terminal la maqueta de tokio 3 si quieres mas modelos te los paso via correo para estar seguro en que manos kae ejejeje weno las aiko seguro van a quedar re waiiis como evas Mi correo es

  20. Ok gracias voy a probar con estos y si queda bien te pido los otros.

  21. Hola que tal EvilEliot, me llamo Jorge soy nuevo en todo esto de los models 3D, de repente estuve utilizando el miku miku dance y después por azares del destino encontré el DAZ studio y eh buscado por mucho tiempo alguien que haga los plug suits para los personajes de evangelion la verdad felicidades por que es genial tu trabajo, oye de casualidad no trabajas algún tipo de licencia que permita usar tu trabajo para hacer un render que se vendería posteriormente?

    Muchas gracias y espero tu respuesta seguiré muy de cerca tu trabajo :)

  22. que tal, nop no manejo licencia, si quieres vender algo relacionado a Evangelion tendras que conseguirla , pero no se cuales sean los pasos.

  23. Hola evilEliot, estas armaduras que acabas de liberar están de wow, luego las probaré en el DAZ Studio, por lo pronto están geniales saludos.

  24. Thank you EvilEliot for the lovely textures and models. I am just a hobbiest so your work will be used in the monthly freebie contest on DAZ.

  25. Thanks, keep coming ill try to update someting once a month.

  26. Hola. Uhm the passwords are not working, and I tried several zip file openers, and they also say the files are corrupted. But I will thank you none the less for the freebie. They are very lovely.

  27. Hi type the password at hand no copy paste, take care the password is difrent for each model.

  28. Me gustaría mandarte un render que hice utilizando los plugsuits que compartiste con nosotros, a que correo te puedo mandar mi render?, muchas gracias la verdad no encontré de que otra forma te puedo contactar.

  29. Tienes razon estaba actualizando y deje desactivada la opcion de contacto. puedes mandarlo a, o puedes publicarlo donde tu deses (deviantart, imageshack, picassa, etc) y solo mandarme el link

  30. Muchas gracias por haber incluido mi render en tu galería de imágenes :)

  31. Denada, gracias a ti por usar mi material.

  32. LadySythe: Gracias! Sorry, I'll stick to english lol I downloaded every single one and I even shared this page on facebook :) Wonderful stuff!!!

  33. Thanks for the CyberNinja suit. I've also downloaded some of the other suits available.

  34. is there anywhere else you can post these? Megaupload is gone it looks like.

  35. Me descargué todos, voy a hacer un cortometraje 3D con estos modelos usandolos como utilería (props) para ambientar un poco más el cuarto 3D, cuando ya lo tenga, pondré tu nombre en los créditos.

  36. I am quite interested to use the Saber Lily item. I don't like using Genesis, though. I wonder if there will be a Poser version which Aiko4 or Aiko3 can use, for example ?

  37. Muchas gracias por compartir esto ! .....This is just awesome !!

  38. These are lovely! I haven't decided what I'm going to use where (I'm doing a series of portraits of characters from a fantasy game, and I can always use things like boots and gloves and cloaks, if they're close to the original design), but I'll let you know when I do! Thank you so much!

  39. I usually Use Random Outfits for Cosplay Renders are Combining outfits to Make new Ones so Some of these Are Perfect ^^

  40. I, too am a hobbyist. I will be using your outfits in DAZ Studio 4... No real plans for now...

  41. Nice job, your props are greats,the only problem is with plugSuitTest02 v1.2 i cannot extract them, i tried on 3 different computer and it doesn't walk.

  42. Lovely! Thanks so much! I'll just be doing random little renders to amuse myself - always looking for great outfits like these!

  43. Fantastic! I love your products very much!
    Thank you very much EvilEliot!

  44. Definitly doing a Evangelion render with these Suits there great!

  45. It is looking amazing. Will try them. Thank you for the hard work!

  46. Evil love your stuff we had lots of your stuff displayed in the July Freebie Contest over at DAZ. Wonderful work!

  47. your golden armor look fantastic. I'm gonna try immediatly ! :)

  48. hacer unos escenarios delocura gracias a ti. Muy buen trabajo el tuyo, de nuevo, GRACIAS.

  49. Thank you Evil. Having fun playing with our armor.

  50. Gracias amigo muy buen material tienes aqui para descargar, me gustan las armaduras de Saint Seiya si hago algo con alguna de ellas te lo avisaré ;)

  51. Like the Zodiac armors. Can't wait for the rest of them.

  52. Love the Zodiac armor! You're so talented! I downloaded a few and only plan on using them in my personal art. I'm still learning, so it will be a little while before there is anything to put online. And that would only be for personal purposes.

  53. Gracias estoy queriendo aprender a modelar 3d espero poder lograr tener la mitad de tu buen toque ya asi seria genial bajo un par y si puedo hacer algo te enseño!!!

  54. Gracias, descargué tu armadura, me gusta hacer historias, nada comercial ni hago negocio con ellas, son de hobby.

    1. Genial me gustaria ver algo de tus historias.

  55. What a wonderful and fantastic work! Thank you so much for sharing.

  56. Downloaded the Sith outfit a while ago and never used it until now.

    Wonderful work and thanks for sharing.

  57. These look fantastic! I'm gonna have a play around with a few of the Genesis ones for some scifi renders. I'll try to get back with links. Thankyou!

  58. Estan supeeer!!! No voy a bajar uno, ni madres, voy a bajarlos todos!!! Tu pagina va a favoritos de inmediato!!.
    Muchas gracias.

  59. Used some of your SIth for Genesis Outfit here!

  60. Thanks so much! I may use a couple of the armored models in an Indie game project in the works.

  61. Thank you! I'd love to see the KnightSaber Priss and Lina armour converted to Poser.

  62. Exelente trabajo,tambien trato de realizar vestimenta para V4, pero con The King of Fighters, aunque es un lio importar de 3d Max a Poser, igual y podrias darme algunos tips, que creeme te agradecere infinitamente.

    Por cierto tus modelos, los utilizare para algunos cubre pantallas, ojala pueda mandartelos cuanto antes

    1. Hola, Me gustaria mucho ver tus cubrepantallas,

      pues no hay nada como la practica, yo prefiero usar maya siempre me ha parecido mejor que 3dMax, en cuanto a V4 la he abandonado despues de aprender a trabajar con Genesis, es mucho mas comodo facil y rapido.

  63. hola te felicito por tu trabajo, estoy buscando un traje de samus aran para V4, los que hiciste para el bodysuit se ven muy buenos. los voy a probar muchas gracias.

    1. Samus esa es buena, de echo tal vez la creare pero no se cuando.

  64. Hola al amigo que esta haciendo la vestimenta de King of fighters yo tambien quisiera hacer la de Mai Shirabui (y de Cami de SF), si la tienes te rogaria si me la puediras pasar por favor.

  65. Excellent work! Plugsuits and Knight Sabre armour, thank you very much! ¡Muchas gracias!

  66. My nik is Vadora and no, I am not Spanish.
    I like your armours, like the idea for zodiac, also like the shader. It all is very good.
    But I am a Poser user and I will ask: is there a DSON installer?

  67. Très belles armures de SF. Bravo.

    Very beutiful Daz Cloth, Thank you very much.


  68. Your outfits are looking real good.
    Just DL'ed several of them. Will try them out and keep you posted on my thoughts :)


  69. Bonjour, Cancer et Capricorne sont de très belles armures, mais impossible d'extraire les fichiers de LeoArmor v3.0.rar et PiscisArmor v3.0.rar
    Hello, Cancer and Capricorn are very beautiful armor, but can not retrieve files LeoArmor v3.0.rar and PiscisArmor v3.0.rar
    Hola, Cáncer y Capricornio son muy hermosas armadura, pero no pueden recuperar archivos LeoArmor v3.0.rar y PiscisArmor v3.0.rar

    1. Please try downlad again, the problem is at open the rar?, please make shure you type the password manualy some times dosent work when you copy paste the password. look the password is difrent for each figure.

  70. Maintenant, c'est OK :o))

  71. Merci pour ce magnifique casque pour PiscisArmor
    Thank you for this beautiful helmet PiscisArmor

  72. awesome work , no other word come in my mind , keep your good work

  73. Posso ajuda-lo na textura deixando com a cor real da armadura

    1. I try it to, but may models are low poly, so with out the textures they dont look so great, your models are high poly so they look awesome and dont need texture.

  74. Baixei o modelo,abre sem problemas mais não se une com o modelo gênesis o modelo se move mais a armadura fica estática sem movimento será que não instalei corretamente,ou não fica animado no DAZ Studio 4.6 (64bit)?

    1. Hi, yes there is a problem when you load the armor you must do click on the armor icon, dragit over genesis figure and Dropit right over genesis, if you only do dobleclick on the armor it wont work.


      Hola, sí hay un problema al cargar la armadura se debe hacer clic en el icono de la armadura, arrastrarla sobre genesis y soltarla sobre génesis, si sólo haces dobleclick en la armadura funcionara bien.


    2. Deu certo! o modelo ficou perfeito!
      se quiser ajuda tenho algumas armaduras posso enviar pelo e-mail

  75. Hi EvilEliot, BRAINCELLS here- after some password issues I managed to render with 3 of your Zodiac creations. As you requested,here is a link. I put them through their paces - I removed the helmet, shoulder pads, I used lower lights on them. The only thing that would really improve your work for the user is- having all amour pieces be separate so they can be mixed and matched and better positioned (e.g. the helmets and gloves separately.)

    Otherwise many thanks, I hope you'll make all the other zodiac signs because if you do, I have a good idea for another render! Here is one for now- let me know your thoughts:

    1. Wow youre good, about combining armors when you load all the armor you can delete each part from the scene, if you want only the chest delete the other props, select the prop on the scene hierarchy and press delet. that way you can combine 2 or more armors.

  76. Great, great works!! I'm already working with the Exia Armor and will send a link to the image at Renderosity when I am finish. I'm a hobbiest in 3D and I have loved manga for years! But I have also missed excellent stuff like this!
    I'll keep in touch, thanks! :o)
    Rhanagaz / JohnnyC :o)

  77. Gracias por compartir tus extraordinarios modelos.

  78. I done my first with you fine Exia Armor:


    1. Hey, Awesome scene, thanks for the dedication.

  79. Interesting stuff. I haven't watched Saint Saiya, but I did download the armors with the intention of using them for Exalted character art. (Though probably with my own shaders, since I've already made shaders for the Exalted magical materials.)

    Thank you.

    1. Great, i hope you can showmr some of your work soon.

  80. it is the second time i post , but clearly , it is an awesome work , some of my friends are fan of saint seiya , so , in their name i will say to you THANKS , and i hope you will continue your work .

  81. Hi EvilEliot, thanks for these beautiful suits! Can't wait to play with them.

  82. Many thanks for Spartan! Great work! =)
    Please, look materials in spartan, no found!
    Thanks again!

    1. Hi, i look the materials but all appear to work , could you tell me more details, which material is the problem? , maybe is a legacy material that is not used on the model.

  83. Hello, EvilEliot! Thank you so mach for the spartan suite!

  84. you are amazing ! a tribute to 3d !

  85. Thanks for the Spartan suit. It will definitely come in handy.

  86. Awesome stuff. The spartan suit and the sith lord outfit will be perfect for my scifi art

  87. Hi!
    I took the liberty to use your Spartan armor and Miranda hair here:

    Hope you like it :)


  88. Hei, I'm wondering about the hair you're using for asuka and makinami. may I know what hair are you using for them? thanks.

    1. Hi, Asuka is Alrishas hair, Mari is Marion hair and Rey is Al Time hair

  89. Dude!!!!!! Your the king! these are some of the best renders i've seen could you take a crack at a gears of war set?

  90. hello my clan is frellancer clan ive been working on freelancer comic for us i was wondering if you ethier a no where to get more armor typs or b could make some more

  91. I downloaded the Spartan, but I have no idea where to put the files :(

    1. hi this is for Daz studio, you copy the folder content to your root folder content instalation, look that data folder must be at the same level runtime folder, if there is other runtime combine the contents,

  92. Hola, queria saber como hace para bajar algunos de los modelos, solo para hacer algunas ilustraciones en Poser 9, pero no veo ningun link de descarga.

    Muchs gracias!

  93. Why no Spartan armors for V4/A4? can you please make for them too? i would really love to use them!

    Thank you for your time and all of these great items.

  94. Spartan mat pack is a broken archive, please re-upload.
    also linkbucks is a malware drive-by downloader, please change hosting

  95. Hey man I tried to use your spartan models for a video idea i have, But i keep getting the same missing object file message ever time. Would love if you could help me out with it, Right now i just want to mess around and see what i can do. So if anyone knows can you help me?

  96. I really like your products, but the download host leaves a lot to be desired. An extra tab appears with "phishing ahead" as its label. That makes me extremely wary, so I have my malware protection fully active during a download, and that slows down the process. Is there not a more secure way you can use for us to download your great products?

  97. hello i am very new to this sorry if this question has an obvious answer, but when i apply the spartan armor to my genisis male i just get like, a big gray blocky mess. am i doing something wrong or??

    1. it says i am missing some files in /data

    2. they are all there though
      im a little confused
      am i supposed to be accessing these through the content library panel on the right?

  98. Ok, make shure you copy all the contents from Spartan armor to your content folder, i don´t remember well but in the Spartan rar there is a folder name data make sure it combines with your data folder, mine is on the same level a side the runtime folder, just check yours is in the same location.

    1. do you mean a folder called runtime, because i dont have one of those?
      i do have the data folder and it is on the root level though, all of the files it says are missing are in the folder

  99. thanks a lot for this material is awsome. Can use them in a video game that Im making i need cool stuff like this. thanks a lot for this.

  100. Thanks you for this material: is fantastic!!!!
    I' m a 3D hobbist and try to learn!
    Thanks a lot!!!!

  101. Obrigado seus produtos são fantásticos.

  102. Miranda looks great...downloading for personal use, Thanks again

  103. Very colorful downloads, these will help me with learning Daz3D. I started 3D with Bryce 1.0 , so the concepts of working with 3D I have down. It's the people that get in the way!

  104. Using your Spartan armor and materials for a new image. Very good models keep it up!

  105. Epic models not sure if ill use any yet but i love them all and downloaded at least 2 of them :)

  106. Really love your work, but having problems with the your downloads, getting "Trojan:adclicker" alerts by my antivirus software. Please upload to Thanks!

  107. Hi there... just wanted to let you know I am a fan of your works... any chance of doing a goo Warhammer 40K Spacemarine suit?

    -aograi- see me in DevianArt!

  108. linkbucks aint working, can you try google drive?

  109. All gone no way to download anymore.

  110. Unfortunately, the owner has NOT updated anything for years. There are no longer any downloads. This is unfortunate because his work was very good to say the least. If someone could re-establish the original files somewhere, many would be thrilled.

  111. Hi. May you reupload 3- plugSuitClassic Ayanami v1.0, 6- TheSithLord v1.0, 7- CyborgNinja v1.0 and 4- plugSuitClassic Asuka v1.0?

  112. This is a topic that's near to my heart... Best wishes! Where are your contact details though?


  114. Hi, discovering after long time. Thanks a lot, but the download does not work, linkbucks goes in time out, so the download never starts
